I'm on an 8 year old i5 3.2ghz CPU based workstation running in WSL 2 with Docker.
With Rails 7.0.4 and Ruby 3.2.1 (YJIT not enabled):
1M empty hashes:
Benchmark.measure{1000000.times{Hash.new}} @total=0.192643
Benchmark.measure{12500.times{User.new}} @total=0.19225799999999982
A better benchmark https://www.techempower.com/benchmarks/#section=data-r21&tes...
I'm on an 8 year old i5 3.2ghz CPU based workstation running in WSL 2 with Docker.
With Rails 7.0.4 and Ruby 3.2.1 (YJIT not enabled):
1M empty hashes:
But in 0.192 seconds I'm able to make 12,500 user models: That is over 6,000 more than your ratio but based on your first number something tells me you have a much faster dev box than me.