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> most people's motivations are only loosely coupled with the goal (if there really is one) of making the world a more efficient place

That's my point! Your personal AI (in collaboration with other AIs) can take care of figuring that out as needed. You don't need capitalism anymore.

Right, but one of my points above is that AIs would quite possibly miss things or fail in general to make the comprehensive and sophisticated tradeoffs between efficiency and fragility on one side and inefficiency and robustness on the other. They could also miss cases where being less efficient is more fragile and being more efficient is less fragile. I really don't think leaving everything to AIs is a good idea, and having a whole lot of them could cause weird interactions to develop that would need to be monitored by humans.

Ever heard of reinforcement learning, AlphaGo, AlphaStar? AIs can already make that trade-off and rather well. AlphaGo was actually better than humans to play robust moves that cement its victory than riskier moves that increase the winning margin.

Right, but then you go back to the whole "AI alignment" thing and you need to make sure you reinforce the right things during training.

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