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> No, people won't stop learning because of chatgpt.

Actually it’s the opposite. People will start learning more, because of ChatGPT.

Since I started using ChatGPT I am learning new things on a daily basis, about philosophy, about history, about computer sciences, about algorithms, about all sorts of things.

It’s a lot of fun diving into subjects in a conversational way, with a „teacher“ by my side who never gets tired answering every one of my questions.

I asked about an algorithm we used at work, and it gave an incorrect answer that, if taken as truth, could have derailed our tech plan.

Take facts as though they were from an undergrad in the subject pontificating after a few beers.

Are you checking it's answering your questions correctly?

I assume his goal is to become a professional bull-shitter, not a knowledge worker, then ChatGPT is great. Bull shitting has excellent career prospects so it is a perfectly valid path in life, the biggest risk is that ChatGPT could replace them pretty soon.

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