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Try to ask your friends some very difficult question, like "what is the definition of woman?".

I am saying that current education does not give people tools to use LLM and AI. They will spend most of time on problems like "not being racist" or "looking for systemic bias". Others without this baggage will run circles around them, and eat their lunch.

Wasn't that one of Socrates' early examples of definitions not being as simple as they seem?

I imagine Socrates had more to say on the subject of what a woman was than Marx...

Given your other comment [0], what was the definition of "woman" that you grew up with?

[0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=35053608

I would ask you. Can you define a woman? Let’s make it less heated, can you describe a chair? I can’t easily at least. Is it something you sit on? Does it require legs? To define a woman is equally difficult. Take some time to think about it.

Tech should take more time to think about racism, and bias. All of this by the way is not Marxism. I’ll grant you that the culture war is toxic, but with good faith try to understand where things are coming from. I understand from a conservative perspective some things are obnoxious. That doesn’t mean that liberal arts are not critical thinkers, or Marxist. In fact I would argue they are in some ways better at critical thinking vs the STEM fields.

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