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It's heading to nation state regulation. It's classic "fuck around and find out" territory: if it's his private toy then the ad money is never coming back nor is rental income from users and he destroyed $40b of value for a whim, potlach style to prove something, goodness knows what.

If he wants his money back then rules have to apply with a process which costs staff, and legalism and now he owns a free speech space but it's semi regulated and his own stupid posts are subject to the same rules the FTC wanted when he tweeted bullshit about Tesla stock while stoned.

They will teach the whole story in MBA classes for decades to come. Name me anyone since an emperor who has done as much for "look what burning a pile of money does" theory of value.

Still: look on the bright side. If he was female and shaved his head, they'd lock him up and seize the money (Britney reference)

Yes, it's leveraged. It's his and banks money. It's gone. By now, his cohort of backers must realise this.


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