I still use Pidgin regularly to this very day. Of course I only really use it for XMPP, but I did actually configure it to connect to my old ICQ account a while back. Unfortunately is seems to have quit working sometime or other. Think I'm being bit by this:
No big loss, I think there was like 1 other person in my ICQ contacts list that was still showing as online every now and then. Still, it's a neat nostalgia indulgence to connect to ICQ after all these years...
EDIT: I rebuilt icyque from the latest sources and it appears that I can once again enjoy the wonderful world of ICQ!
Check this out: https://nina.chat/
Nina/Escargot are working to bring back Aim, AOL, ICQ, Yahoo Messenger and MSN messenger via a new opensource cross-chatting unified system.
No big loss, I think there was like 1 other person in my ICQ contacts list that was still showing as online every now and then. Still, it's a neat nostalgia indulgence to connect to ICQ after all these years...
EDIT: I rebuilt icyque from the latest sources and it appears that I can once again enjoy the wonderful world of ICQ!
If anybody wants to chat, I'm 17109168 on ICQ.