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Outside of the UC system (which doesn’t have as much emphasis on legacy/donations) I don’t think it’s about anti-Asian discrimination as many might think. I just think Asians are the most adversely affected by non-meritocratic admissions.

Legacies and big donors are much more likely to not be Asian. The other well-off white upper class is getting admitted based off all the holistic extracurricular/volunteering/etc bullshit. And there are secret quota systems for other minority (not all racial) groups. Then there are athletes, needing representation across academic disciplines to match teaching capacity, etc.

Basically, I think middle class Asians and white people who fit the “high scores, want to study stem” paradigm are just figuring over a very small pie when it comes to selective university admissions. Within this group Asians dominate (because demographically they make up a large portion of high scorers) but outside of it they are not as likely to fit into any of the other admissions buckets.

If admissions were based purely on test scores and academic achievement, yes there would be more Asians and less underrepresented groups, but most importantly it would completely shake up which white people get admitted, which is what the admissions system cares most about.

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