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Your statistics there are wrong. I think you got that from a site other than Berkeley. Those percentages don't even come close to 100%.

Berkeley reports here: https://opa.berkeley.edu/uc-berkeley-fall-enrollment-data-ne...

Asians are 43%-53% depending on how many who identify as 'International' are Asian. Whites are 19.7% and Blacks are 3.4%

You are right, however, about why schools want to eliminate the SAT. SAT optional admissions is a way for schools to admit students whom would have previously been considered unqualified. By increasing the pool of eligible applicants, the school is discriminating against the previous population of qualified, top tier students, which has been historically an Asian majority. Additionally, Asian students with low or no SAT scores will not benefit from these changes because the best Asian students will continue to submit high SAT scores. How many Asian students are going to be accepted without an SAT score when they're being compared to other Asian students with 1500+ SAT scores?

Note, colleges should not discriminate based on race. But they are under no obligation about their acceptance criteria. They could just use SAT tests if they wanted. Or just grades, or it could be a lottery. Or it could be the best dressed, or who could pay the most. Just because you don't use a mechanism that favors a specific group, doesn't mean that you are discriminating against them (necessarily). For example, most don't use height in admissions, but it doesn't mean we're discriminating against people from the Balkans.

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