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Show HN: Tiny Metasearch Engine to Find Software Developers (talentsignals.com)
77 points by mgl on March 4, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 12 comments

I can't find myself through some of these searches, even when adding parts of my name in quotes. I wonder how fuzzy these results are, specifically from GitHub

Looks like the language search in GitHub only finds users where the majority of their repos are in a given language. If your repos are a mix of different languages then you won't appear in the search results it seems.


I like how in times of AI and everything is or should use an API, your implementation is more direct and straightforward. Congratulations for shipping it!

I wrote multiple places in my location field, so I can never be found!

Also one of such places has a unicode letter "ö", and github doesn't seem to work with those. You need to replace it with "o" instead.

Could you add elixir to the language list?

Lisp, F#, ...

I searched for Flutter dev in SF but the results on GitHub barely have any devs that have done Flutter.

The GitHub search query turned out wrong (for me). It added a space to the location param.

It should be.


Add Drupal please. You have Wordpress.

Could you add Smalltalk to the list?

What a great name btw.

Kudos for the effort.

If you fancy expanding the list of programming languages [1] I could use it then.

I'd also introduce an option to use the browser geolocate api [2], which then converts to the geolocation data favoured by the link to sites because sometimes some locations are too large eg London or are not recognised "bay area", and a map for those looking to move to different parts of the world and want to see what job prospects would be like, when remote is not an option.


[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_programming_languages

[2] https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Geolocation...

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