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Although this is an insightful article with many good points, I am disappointed that the author didn't mention a more fundamental problem with metrics: that the very framing of business that leads to a focus on metrics is toxic to responsible business practices.

The author talks a lot about listening to the voice of the process. How about listening to the voice of people? For instance, people who are concerned that we're losing our ethics and our vision and our sense of meaning in our work?

The moment someone suggests a metric, my reaction is not to think about causes and effects but rather "what is motivating you to think that dwelling on that metric, OR ANY METRIC, will lead to happiness?

Framing and philosophy precedes any possible notion of improvement. Start there. If that leads you to measurement, so be it... Or you can be like Amazon: a rich company that is famous for its rapaciousness and exploitative behavior.

There are a lot of production-focused businesses where metrics are one of the most sensible, predictable ways to run the business. Are you going to listen to the opinions of 2000 auto manufacturing employees to know how things are going or look at completed cars and initial defects reported?

The voice of the people is also a metric.

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