Nice work. A few years ago, I made something similar out of lumen[0] by tweaking the reader to support clojure style literals. I used hyperapp[1] as a lightweight library for react/elm style applications with a hiccup-like syntax. The code ended up looking like
(h 'div { class: 'main }
(h 'div {} ....
Where h is the raw function for hyperapp, not a macro.
I'd intended to develop my own mini-lisp with the same syntax, but got sidetracked by other projects. Maybe someday I'll get back to it. (Currently, I'm deep in the weeds trying to learn how to write a dependent typed language that compiles to javascript.)
Nice! My goal in Dak is to reach a point where macros can allow transforming hiccup like syntax to hyperapp or React like function calls, or original hiccup style optimized string concat, or lit-html style template string generation. I know I could use all these for different use cases.
I'd intended to develop my own mini-lisp with the same syntax, but got sidetracked by other projects. Maybe someday I'll get back to it. (Currently, I'm deep in the weeds trying to learn how to write a dependent typed language that compiles to javascript.)
[0]: [1]: