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Living in Grenoble (25km away from Voiron where the Chartreuse is made), I welcome this decision.

I'd hate to see Chartreuse (also the name of the local mountain range where the monks' monastery is based) become industrialized to the point where its authenticity is lost, for the sake of global market supremacy.

For an alternative, try Genepi. It's not a brand name, but another type of artisanal liquor made out of a cocktail of mountain plants and herbs. Taste can be lighter than Chartreuse, but it warms you up just as well after a day of skiing.

Genepi production is pretty limited itself because of the heavy restrictions on the plant harvest, espacially since it grows mainly in the Alps. And the Mercantour rangers are not tolerant of people picking more than their share.

Source, I live there.

And if you do go the distillery, make sure to pick up a bottle of VEP! it's miles better than the oversweet standard stuff

As someone who didn't like genepi, I found Verveine du Velay interesting. Perhaps it's less rare herbs, still nice green color, less complex.

I also hope the security conference in Grenoble will secure it's supply of Chartreuse (you get a small 50cl bottle in the welcome package for as long as I remember)

Do you have a link to that conference?

Chartreuse shots were provided at the end of SnowCamp [1] a few weeks ago, though I missed my chance for talking too long with one of the speakers..

[1] https://snowcamp.io/

Is it not made by the same monks?

Not at all. In fact, like pastis genepi is a "generic" name, you can get it from any number of companies, and even make your own: the name comes directly from the Artemisia it's macerated from (Artemisia genipi).

The recipe is simple enough too: 40 strands, 40 days in 40º, 40 sugar (cubes), for a liter.

Though in modern recipes it's usually macerated in pure neutral alcohol which is then diluted to 2x, and the sugar is usually ~halved (but to taste): ~300g sugar per liter is a lot, the goal of the sugar is to mellow the genepi so 100~150g is usually sufficient.

But please know the rules to harvest this plants!

In many place it's totally forbidden, in other places there are specific rules. Too many people are just badly plucking the plants without concerns just to brag than they have made their own liquor.

I you do not know your local rules, then just go buy a bottle.

Here is one brand of génépi.https://distilleriedesalpes.com

A good way to stay focus on my software. Joking

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