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Is it? I find most of the "winning" tech deeply unproductive. Have you tried developing in a project with Webpack and Redux? It's kind of its own little hell. Everything is way too slow and complicated. Tasks that should take 20 minutes take 3 hours.

“Winning tech” may be less productive for a one-off single person project.

But “losing tech” is unproductive when you have to maintain/upgrade your code over many years and onboard new developers into the team.

It is unfortunate that the tech industry’s choice of tools is largely fashion-driven but that is the reality.

The problem is, the entirety of the javascript ecosystem is built for large teams doing multi-year enterprise projects, and so unless you're launching a social media startup or something, you have to wade through a swamp of unnecessary complexity.

Try again with Vite and useReducer and prepare to have your socks blown off.

Even vite is slow. Just use esbuild directly. Jotai is much better for global state management.

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