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My kingdom for "everything is an expression" in JS/TS, but that would likely require an entirely new language.

If you’re willing to accept a little bit of extra syntax/ceremony, the `do` expressions proposal[1] is pretty much this (but it’s only stage 1 so who knows when/if it’ll land).

1: https://github.com/tc39/proposal-do-expressions

We often add promising TC39 proposals into Civet so people can experiment without waiting.

We've added https://github.com/tc39/proposal-pipeline-operator, a variant of https://github.com/tc39/proposal-pattern-matching, a variant of https://github.com/tc39/proposal-string-dedent and others.

Since our goal is to be 99% compatible with ES we'll need to accommodate any proposals that become standard and pick up anything TC39 leaves on the table (rest parameters in any position, etc.)

Nice! Wasn't aware of that at all.

At some point you might as well just use lisp, right? :D

I love me some lisp, but I definitely prefer my JS-hosted code to be as close to JS language and semantics as possible (and that’s after a few years working in ClojureScript). Then again I’m commenting in a thread about an article with CoffeeScript in the title so I’m probably the weird one here.

Have you considered https://github.com/squint-cljs/squint ?

Personally I couldn't let go of Clojure's other advantages but at least using the syntax would let you step off the syntax churn bus

No, unfortunately the greener pastures I found have type annotations. I miss the parentheses like hell, and I miss the actual state semantics of Clojure even more. But I wouldn’t give up static types for any of that. If I explore lisps again I’m going to start with Typed Racket.

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