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> But there has been no threat to public health, no injuries to employees and no leaks of dangerous material outside the laboratory, Ms. Vander Linden said.


In the US common law, that is the thing that you need to say in case you face any court case whatsoever in the future. Any objective details that you give about the situation may be used as evidence against you in a court case by the prosecutors. Therefore you always need to start from 'nothing ever happened' and then negotiate down the responsibility as much as you can.

Immediately in that period the retirement homes in the area and later the state, started experiencing 'mystery pnemonia cases' in which a lot of elderly have died.

This is without the fact that the US govt. fighting the Army in the court to shut down a bioweapons lab should already signal the severity of the affair.

For anyone who follows the US corporate & regulatory space in regard to public interest lawsuits, that article at NYT not only being up today, but also having been branded 'published in 2019' to attract attention says a lot:

That article basically says that there was a leak in a bioweapons lab in the US due to failure of security measures, but the government has properly acted and even took the army to the court to shut it down. It basically exonerates the US admn. legally by hooking up the army, and actually the administration that very specific lab with all the responsibility, meanwhile signaling to all international observers including the decision makers in countries around the world that it was not the US govt. who did it. Therefore the US govt. cannot be sued for that even inside the US.

So the very article is a legal precaution per US law itself.



Any claim/proposition has to be made on an objective framework. Otherwise they become hollow smears.

> Immediately in that period the retirement homes in the area and later the state, started experiencing 'mystery pnemonia cases' in which a lot of elderly have died.


No source?

Yeah. No source. Well spotted.

Good job. You totally protected your belief system and avoided cognitive dissonance.





The next time you discuss with someone, do a freaking google search to contribute to the discussion.

Shouldn't an outbreak happen before the lab is shutdown instead of months later, during the flu season?

A lot of elderly that died is 3?

You're right, this "US lab leak" (kuch) is way worse than the one from Wuhan that infected the world with millions of casualties.


What are you even suggesting even? It's starting to get ridiculous.

Oh yeah, your source was probably this: http://de.china-embassy.gov.cn/det/zt/BekaempfungCOVID19/202... . Which matched your exact 'mystery pnemonia cases' keyword and is ( not ) surprisingly similar to your "references".

I'd expect better of state funded propaganda outlet for 1 billion people.

PS. https://www.polygraph.info/a/china-disinfo-covid-19/6742435....


> Shouldn't an outbreak happen before the lab is shutdown instead of months later, during the flu season?

The shutdown was done on court order for the reason that the lab's security systems were failing. It is unknown for how long. Its possible that the leak happened before the government started acting.

> A lot of elderly that died is 3?

Thats the start of the f'kin pandemic. Not its entirety. Youre being disingenious here.

Its the disease getting out that's important.

> You're right, this "US lab leak" (kuch) is way worse than the one from Wuhan that infected the world with millions of casualties.

And now the jig is up. So you are very probably an American conservative, who just repeats the smears others for the screw-up of your deregulated, budget-cutting, 'innovating' government. Like that army lab 'innovating' with its security measures after your former president Trump cut all budgets by 75%.

> What are you even suggesting even? It's starting to get ridiculous. Oh yeah, your source was probably this

Dont be an a-hole. There are other sources there if you had taken two seconds to investigate. Covid was found to be in the sewers of Italy by september 2019, and in the severs of Barcelona by october 2019. They are congruent with the Fort Detrick leak.

And in regard to China: I'd take China's word over the word of the lying fcks of your establishment any day. The lying fcks who lied to the entire world about nonexistent WMDs for eight years cannot be the arbiter of truth, less, any authority about who is lying.


Basically its another case of your psychopathic establishment smearing others for its own f*ck up and you people are TOTALLY on board with it. They just popped this smear out 2 days ago. And you are literally screaming on top of your lungs like a religious zealot as if the pope of your church told you to do.

You have not learned ANYTHING from the Iraq affair. You people are beyond redemption. When the nuclear war that your establishment is pushing with these lies and smears come and you die in fiery plasma, you will have made it happen yourself. Nobody else.

There is no rational debate with religious, nationalist zealots. EVERY single discussion with an Angloamerican nationalist ends this way - by the person peddling the lies of its lying, backstabbing establishment.

This discussion is over. Good day.

I'm not even American, lol. I guess you dropped another ball on that one.

Quoting myselve again about having a conversation with you:

> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism

- trump, Iraq, religious, ...

> I'm not even American, lol. I guess you dropped another ball on that one.

I didn't. If you act like one, talk like one, you get treated like one.

> Whataboutism

The burden of providing an objective basis for allegations belongs to the accuser. You accuse someone of something, its your job to provide that objective framework. If you dont, people will ask 'what about' and call you out.

Let me put this in street speak: You dont get to lie and smear others as a liar.

> trump, Iraq, religious, ...

Again, if you walk like a duck, talk like a duck, act like a duck, for all intents and purposes, you get treated as a f'king duck.


Stop stanning for lying, murdering f*cks and propagating their lies. That's that.

Over and out.

Feel free to chat on Western media and blame Americans freely here all you want :)

Let me know when you try the same on your "lovely" alternative and honest idealists ;)

PS. Winnie Pooh

Simple common sense makes this really easy.

It spread in July 2019 and then Covid went napping for 8 months ( according to unity1001) to spread from the US.

Or it spread in February 2020, immediately over the world, within a month from Wuhan - China and within China in January 2020 ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_COVID-19_pande... ).

My bet is Wuhan



China is lying.

Have a nice day.

> It spread in July 2019 and then Covid went napping for 8 months ( according to unity1001) to spread from the US

Holy hell. I told that it was found to be in Barcelona sewers in oct 2019. Sept 2019 in Italy.

It did not 'hibernate' and then 'came around' in february. It already spread and the government whose lies you are peddling was trying to suppress its presence even in february with Trump's court ordering the Seattle doctor that found the covid in US to shut up.

> China is lying.

They arent lying. You are buying into bullsh*t because of your inherent baseless bias. American conservative, Indian nationalist - doesnt matter which. The bait used for deceiving such people is always the same: They sell lies against whomever they hate.

Your bias against China even helped you totally avoid actual written words to the extent that you have come back to say "covid went napping".

No it didnt go napping you fool. Its just that you selectively ignored written words to back your bias.

COVID, as we know it, started to spread worldwide in February 2020, I remember it quite well actually :p

You go defend the coronavirus virus was napping story for 8 months from a US lab leak.

The deadly variant started near Wuhan in januari 2020.

If you want common sense, add this too :


> the closest SARS-CoV-2 bat-borne genome still remains the one from R. affinis, RaTG13 (China, 20135,6), with 96.1% identity at the whole-genome level.


And let's predate your US claim: 2010, a virus similar to SARS-CoV-2 was already present in Cambodia

Coronavirusses are everywhere. It's the deadly one that counts.

It's also not the first time that it started from China, due to their hygiene => eating bats.

Remember: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2002%E2%80%932004_SARS_outbr...

Now you also know why neighbors from China wore masks the entire time ( pre COVID).

> COVID, as we know it, started to spread worldwide in February 2020, I remember it quite well actually :p

The Spanish government found it to have been in Barcelona sewers in Oct 2019. Italian government Sep. 2019. Period.


I'll leave you to your bias.

Like i said, that's already outdated. ( Can you read? )

Here in Cambodja 2010 - COVID 2 https://theconversation.com/in-2010-a-virus-similar-to-sars-...

The Chinese biolab is in walking distance from the market, where the first infection was found. It has multiple awards for it's work in coronaviruses.

Additionally, the huge overlap in the genome marker >96%.

Should be easy, in case you have some common sense, no? :)

Your version:

Deadly COVID had an outbreak in the US, then napped for 8 months, traveled a bit over the world, re-appeared in Wuhan, from the US... to 1 person - patient Zero.

Then! Patient Zero went to a cave ~40 miles further, back in time and infected some bats with an earlier version of deadly COVID SARS 2.. rofl

Or my version ( where time travel doesn't exist):

You are obviously not aware of the fact that multiple coronaviruses exists ( eg. The common cold is one), explains multiple variants since 2010.

It further evolved in a bat cave in China ( see: the similar genome), could have gone through a biolab in China and then spread from China or through animal-to-human transfer ( since bats are a Chinese delicassy) and then spread from China.

That also explains SARS ( also a coronavirus) coming from China.

Simple, right?

Ps. About Italy. Your entire claim is not proof, since this is what the research mentions:

> In addition, we cannot exclude that the observed sero-reactivity could be an unknown antigen specificity in another virus to which subjects were exposed containing an epitope adventitiously cross-reactive with an epitope of SARS-CoV-2.

If you can still read, this means that they haven't found proof of SARS COVID in Italy in 2019 ( or elsewhere), they found proof of a similar antigen that is triggered by COVID, but that's not exclusively attributed to COVID SARS 2!

Glad to be of assistance for you!

I'd trust biomarkers to track COVID origins fyi :)

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