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Write a First Person Game in 2KB with Rust (grantshandy.github.io)
235 points by disadvantage on Feb 26, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 30 comments

Nice writeup! Building raycasting engines is fun and rewarding. You can get a lot of visual impact with very small and easy to understand code. I took a stab at it and ended up adding portals which I thought was really fun (https://github.com/gh123man/Portal-Raycaster).

I've been thinking about re-writing my raycasting engine in Rust but never really found the time - glad to see someone has done it and documented it so well!

If anyone else is interested in raycasting this page is also worth a read: https://lodev.org/cgtutor/raycasting.html

I followed your link, and Gate Escape looks pretty fun, but not available in the Australian app store?

It appears my Appstore agreements have fallen out of date and needed renewal. That's a somewhat embarrassing - but it should be fixed now. Gate Escape should be available in all regions, and thanks for checking it out!

Just curious, why do you describe ray casting as a “_pseudo_-3D rendering technique”?

At least as implemented in these retro-style engines, it's a technique with a lot of limitations. Crawling pervasively 2D data, in 2d grids, and grid-aligned 2d wall data, interleaved with 2d screen-aligned sprites with a scaling factor applied. Lots of vertical alignment.

You wouldn't use the same technique to implement a "realistic" 6DOF flight simulator, for example. Wolfenstein 3D released in 1992 - and a mere year later, Microsoft Flight Simulator 5 would be released, with actual 3D meshes and arbitrary 3D rotations coming much earlier.


1.7K is not the smallest you can make this program. You can get this to fit in even smaller sizes and I encourage you to try!

I think 128 bytes may be close to a lower limit, although for a different platform (MS-DOS): https://www.pouet.net/prod.php?which=63518

A lot of the comments in that thread appear to be flaming the OP for impersonating a legendary demoscene group, or something like that. I've always enjoy touristic, almost archaeological appeal of reading old subculture drama, and I wish I stumbled across them more often.

The source code from this article is available at https://github.com/grantshandy/wasm4-raycaster

Wow, I didn’t know that WebAssembly had a “square root” instruction (although it sounds like that’s required for the floating point standard, so probably shouldn’t have been such a surprise).

Yes, it is required by IEEE 754, and in fact required that it should be as correct as possible just like other arithmetic operators.

> My first experience with games like this (though I didn’t know at the time), was in middle school with games like zDoom on my calculator. zDoom

Sharing experiences. My first encounter and fascination for these kind of perpective effect was in the 90s demoscene.

I learned to program the magic behind "tunnel" effects by just spawning multiple non-concentric growing circles.

Same here. I actually build a similar "3d renderer" and ran into the same perspective "issue" op had. Unfortunately I didn't figure out how to fix that back then. So I actually finally learned how that's solved almost 30 years later. I should fix my QB4 code :-)

That's excellent. I didn't realized Rust to Wasm can be squeezed to such small size. Great work.

I'm actually in the process of writing a demoscene 64k in Rust+WASM, that will be contained in a single index.html.

Actually not sure if I'll get around to finishing it, but currently a WebGPU-based renderer + scene graph + softsynth fits in about 30k compressed. That's unfortunately a bit big, but we'll see.

If I don't get around to finishing it I'll probably open source the code anyway, just as a fun starting point for others maybe.

Would be good to see the process and sound.

Do you think it’s the WebGPU, scene graph, the sound, or the Rust infrastructure that consumes the most space?

A little bit of everything, but the WebGPU stuff requires a full interop layer to translate WebGPU calls on the Rust side into calls on the JS side (a poor man's wasm-bindgen basically).

Additionally, there's just a lot of code being generated for common containers. It would probably be simpler and smaller to create unsafe containers that just shift pointers to boxed structs around or something, but I haven't gotten around to that yet.

Ah I see. That sounds lots of boilerplate. Wonder whether WebGL uses less space.

You'd still need the same kind of interop layer. The question then becomes if there are more or fewer classes and methods you'd need to wrap on the Rust side.

Not sure how old are you but if you were there 20-23 years ago you could’ve stumbled upon these .exe files that were 5-64kb in size(not megabyte!) with cool looking videos and music. Back then this was a miracle, it still is to me.

We are still making these 4kB - 64kB demos.

My group: https://www.ctrl-alt-test.fr/productions/

The Pouet search contains a good list of modern 64kB: https://www.pouet.net/toplist.php?type=64k&platform=68&limit...

You might be interested in this website which archives those old intros, and showcases new ones: https://www.pouet.net/

I wonder what the wasm-backend people are doing that the embedded-backend people aren’t — I’d have thought embedded was even more particular about small size, but I just started playing with rust-esp32 and found that “hello world” is 15MB (to be fair it’s only 4MB with debug info stripped)...

You can check out a number of strategies for reducing rust binary size here: https://github.com/johnthagen/min-sized-rust

I don't think he mentions it, and I doubt it's relevant in your Hello World example, but if you have a lot of generic code, it's useful to extract the non-generic parts into a separate non-generic function. For example:

  fn foo<T: AsRef<str>>(s: T) -> String {
  fn bar(s: &str) -> String {
      // A whole bunch of other stuff

You might want to look into the nonsense the demoscene folks get up to, then. .kkrieger is a pretty serious FPS in 96kB, 8088MPH gets 1k colours out of an 8088 with CGA graphics. Things like that

I assume this was higher performance than rasterization due to slow RAM and the amount of time required to make depth buffer lookups / writes?

Not due to slow RAM, but due to slow CPUs. The CPU/memory latency gap wasn't such an issue yet at the start of the 90's. A 386 PC was pretty much the first consumer hardware where one could start thinking about doing any per-pixel work at all with the CPU in 320x200 at 1 byte per pixel.

Also depth buffers only ever were viable with dedicated rasterization hardware, and on early consumer "GPUs" they were a luxury because even when depth testing was supported, they reduced rendering performance by half - which basically meant "utterly unplayable". It was almost always better to determine surface visibility through other techniques.

Brings memories of the "Cave-in" game for the unexpanded Vic20.

Where's the dinosaur?

This is a wonderful writeup. Puts the map back in bitmap.

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