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I was about to mention uxn. It's almost as if people with enough motivation to build and use this are also people who will never agree to use and contribute to one another's work. Not to say any of this work is a waste of course

Creator of Uxn here, Maxime is a dear friend of mine and we've jammed extensively on the design of UVM together.

welcome to the world of Forth/Lisp

It is somewhat sadly ironic that to preserve software one has to actually create software that other people care about preserving. And, as we've seen with emulators, if you have software people care about then there are no roadblocks that will stand in the way of someone figuring out how to get your ancient code to run. I take the whole 100R thing as more an interesting art project than a serious goal. More of a "what if".

With that said, I feel most devs are the same. How often do you come across a lead or senior dev that becomes passive aggressive over people modifying "their" code? Quite often, in my experience. Any code that I didn't write sucks and any code I have to touch that I didn't write is the worst code ever written. Code that I didn't write is old obsolete dog turds and code I wrote is "modern". Every dev slaps "modern" on their open source project today.

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