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The minute they stop writing checks is the minute they stop having power. They may back republicans, but I doubt it.

So Hollywood's finally figuring out their representatives can't be trusted to act in their interests? Shame, that. Must be tough. They have my sympathy. No, really, I mean it. Can't imagine what they're going through.

Does this constitute a confession on Dodd's part? Seems like some law enforcement types would, I dunno, investigate that sort of thing...


Except that, in the US, bribing congress(wo)men is legal.

"Hollywood" has traditionally favored Democratic candidates. If this stays a "hot" issue it is going to turn into a political battle one way or another. Still, this seems to me a far better situation than some under the table deals.

I am still thankful to Reddit, Jimbo, even Google who forced through their blackouts traditional media to report about it and therefore not allowing to push it off as some "resistance by stealing pirates from the internets".

Traditional media is still probably shocked about realizing that their blackouts are no longer that effective. Just Google and Wikipedia combined have a huge reach. The ironic part is that several from the traditional media were calling the activism of Google and Wikipedia an abuse of power.

> several from the traditional media were calling the activism of Google and Wikipedia an abuse of power.

Yeah, because it threatens theirs. Strangely enough, they had no problems putting up a bunch of billboards and commercials right after that, which amounts to the same thing.

I'm not from the U.S. ... did the traditional media do blackouts over there? (or did their threaten or similar)?

Blackouts, as in, they did not cover the story.

Chris Dodd called it an abuse of power, are you sure the media were calling it that as well?

Yes, some news anchor from CNN.

I'm guessing they're going through the same emotions as every ordinary voter has gone through for the past few decades...

Covertly or publicly - anyone who wants to buy politicians tends to do it across the political spectrum.

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