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This reminded me of an evil prank I did on some friends of mine when in university - CD burners had just become a thing, and at the local concert venue where we volunteered, a handful of burned CDs soon appeared at the mixing console with various music the engineers liked to listen to while getting ready for a gig.

Anyway, I ripped the discs, added a nice 50Hz hum under the music and burned new copies which I then left by the CD player.

Yup. Cue frustrated sound engineers trying to debug the ground loop which only manifested itself when the CD was playing.

I never dared admit to the prank, but rather swapped the hum CDs for the originals before someone got a chance to investigate this thoroughly...

being in similar situations of hunting down the source of a hum, i hope you rot in hell ;-)

Hey, they should test with separate CDs. Not your fault at all. Ok, maybe a little.

This is cold af. Well played.

oh my god.


I'm pretty sure 50Hz is electricity, not gas.

Back in the nineties, it was a prank.

I attended the 1989 MackHack[0]. I had the Oscar The Grouch trash can hack.

I also wired all our Macs to run the Energizer Bunny hack. That was fun. It would have gotten me fired, a few years later, though.

[0] https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/business/1994/06/27/t...

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