Love all the details here! For me, I skipped the crazy expensive Davis hardware and have built a network around the EcoWitt GW1100 station. It collects data at 900mhz from other EcoWitt sensors and sends it over a wifi network to WeeWX. In my case WeeWX is running in a FreeBSD jail, but it could be on any 24-7 powered computer on your network.
WeeWX is one of those hackers projects that I just love. It's not pretty, and a lot of the edges are real rough, but damn, it just works, all day, everyday, and stores data in sqlite with a funky, but beautiful HTML output as well.
According to many threads at, Ecowitt displays (and hubs like the GW1100/GW2000) will pick up Ambient Weather sensors but AW displays won't pick up Ecowitt sensors (AW did some kind of firmware tweak in addition to slapping their logo on the front).
Also, Ambient Weather apparently also started selling rebadged sensors from someone besides Ecowitt.
WeeWX is one of those hackers projects that I just love. It's not pretty, and a lot of the edges are real rough, but damn, it just works, all day, everyday, and stores data in sqlite with a funky, but beautiful HTML output as well.