Definitely agree that the multi-cloud thing is a premature optimization for sure.
But k8s isn't cloud agnostic either, at least not if you hold it to the same standard that you're holding pulumi/terraform.
Many of the lower level native abstractions, like CNI plugins, aren't 100% interchangeable and don't always just work depending on your use case. There's a reason AWS had to build its own VPC CNI plugin to get EKS fully functional across all of its networking services (particularly any service involving peering like DirectConnect etc).
But k8s isn't cloud agnostic either, at least not if you hold it to the same standard that you're holding pulumi/terraform.
Many of the lower level native abstractions, like CNI plugins, aren't 100% interchangeable and don't always just work depending on your use case. There's a reason AWS had to build its own VPC CNI plugin to get EKS fully functional across all of its networking services (particularly any service involving peering like DirectConnect etc).