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Articles like this always sound the same: That standard tool is too complex - you should roll your own home-brewed solution with no docs instead!

No thank you. Standardization brings its own simplification, even if the one standard is more "complex" than a hodgepodge of non-standard tools.

"If you add Kubernetes to this setup you will need to make your machines double the size". What? No.

"Kubernetes is not stable". This article is ridiculous.

Every single point in the article is generally wrong. The author clearly doesn't have experience with modern Kubernetes platforms like EKS, Fargate, AKS, GKE, Rancher, Openshift et cetera that solve many of the stated issues.

While in general it's true that startups should be wary of expensive cargo cult infrastructure designs, a) if your application doesn't run on a managed PaaS, it should probably be running in a container, b) if it's running in a container you probably need a container orchestration platform, c) although you can get away with using simpler or fully-managed container orchestration technologies early on, it won't be long before Kubernetes starts to look appealing.

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