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SenseiDB: Open-source, distributed, realtime, semi-structured database (senseidb.com)
163 points by thomas11 on Jan 20, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 39 comments

I can't speak for SenseiDB itself, but I think that LinkedIn deserves a lot of credit for the technology they have been open sourcing in the last few months. Fantastic to see.

Looks like the marketing copy is off from the actual implementation, AFAICT.

  Sensei (先生) means teacher or professor in Japanese(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensei).

  It shares the same pronunciation and writing with the Chinese word that has the same meaning. This name indicates that the system can be used in place of Oracle database in many applications.
Okay, so on the name alone I can replace my Oracle database! Great!

Seriously though it goes on...

They claim the database is ACID: http://javasoze.github.com/sensei/data-guarantee.html

But they built the entire thing around "eventual consistency."

And statements like:

  "Sensei provides a high-level of durability by maintaining N replicas of each shard to guarantee a level of availability and fault-tolerance"
Don't seem to make sense when talking about ACID given that a write operation will happen at some point. Looks like the data event producers will shard the data across N replicas without quorum... so there's no guarantee that there will be N replicas available... is that right (and that the transaction won't be lost mid-stream either)?

Skimming through the source it doesn't seem to be doing anything terribly revolutionary... and I can see the usefulness of the trade-offs they made in this database for certain scenarios. However I don't think the claims of ACID guarantees and "real time" are particularly representative of what this DB will actually do. They just don't seem to jive with "eventual consistency" models.

I'm not a hardcore database guru though so maybe I'm missing something?

Where does that page claim perfect ACID semantics? It's meant to describe what Sensei gives you for each aspect of ACID.

Sensei needs an event stream to process. We've open-sourced and apache-fied Kafka which is a great candidate for an event stream. For Atomicity and Isolation, the event stream must provide these guarantees.

Consistency is handled with a routing parameter. Requests partitioned around an id will always go to the same searcher, so they won't go backwards in the stream except in failure scenarios. This is eventually consistent, but tries to keep things sane.

Durability: The event stream helps with this. We don't immediately flush while indexing in Lucene, so if there's a crash we can replay the persistent event stream.

Does this make sense? SenseiDB is not intended for purely transactional processing. For some applications, sensei would make a good candidate for replacing your DB. For others, not so much.

Where does that page claim perfect ACID semantics? It's meant to describe what Sensei gives you for each aspect of ACID.

And they're all well and good features! I can tell SenseiDB isn't transactional. Like I said, I skimmed the source and understand at a high level what it's does. I could see it being very useful in certain conditions as LinkedIn currently does and I'm sure others will.

However, I think the copy is confusing (at least it was for me). On the guarantees page there's an "ACID-ity" headline. For each aspect of ACID, as you say, the page describes what Sensei offers. The confusing part was that I was mentally comparing each aspect against what I understand to be the common semantics of ACID. I think it would be more clear if there was some distinction under the main headline that acknowledges this difference.


I think the structure of the page is probably confusing people. The big header on the page is "Data guarantees: Things we promise on how we manage your data," and the first subheader underneath that is "ACID-ity". This strongly (even if unintentionally) suggests that you guarantee ACID-compliance.

I'd suggest rewriting the copy as something along these lines:

# Data guarantees: How we manage your data

## Not quite ACID (and that's not a bad thing)

Although the principles of ACID are important, strict conformance has its costs. Sometimes it's the right tradeoff — but not always. By relaxing those requirements, Sensei can offer superior performance and durability. Here's how we approach the four ACID principles, and why you might prefer to do things Sensei's way:

Oddly enough, I think the linguistic bit is inaccurate as well. I don't believe there's any dialect of Chinese where sensei is pronounced the same as in Japanese — it's pronounced "sehn-say" in Japanese, "shyan-shung" in Mandarin and (IIRC) "seen-son" in Cantonese. (Also, though it kindasorta means "teacher," the word is more closely equivalent to "mister" in modern Chinese. Actual teachers are laoshi.)

My apologies for the confusion! The intent of the page is to provide a transparency of data guarantees in the database language. And the goal is to provide an explanation of trade-offs between respect performance and data distribution and the strong ACID guarantees of a database. Any suggestions of wording changes is greatly appreciated!

Looks like someone non-LinkedIn posted this so the rest of the team is unlikely to be around for a few more hours. Let me know if you have any questions! I worked mostly on the distribution & rpc piece.

Congratulations on the project, and compliments on the breadth of documentation. Nicely done.

(Nitpick - none of the urls change. Some js error where you're not doing a pushState? You should report this.)

edit - this works -http://senseidb.github.com/sensei/index.html

Thanks! I'll make sure that gets corrected.

How does the consistency model work? I saw the page describing the eventual consistency referred to a routing parameter (which I assumes routes to the same node to enforce read-your-writes), but I assume you can have conflicts between writes from separate sessions? How is the conflict resolution handled?

This is exactly how it works. Queries based on some kind of id will always hit the same server, except when the server goes down. Sensei expects a semi-durable "data stream" for writes, which is very different from how most other databases work. Imagine a near-real time processing system though where updates go into a queue to be processes (financial transactions work like this). SenseiDB works great for indexing these types of events. Text search is a good example here - after you update your profile, it's put into a queue to be indexed. We don't want to wait for your profile to be indexed before we'll let you move onto another page.

3 separate NoSQL stores from ONE company? And their primary business is not Databases? There are currently more than 100 different NoSQL solutions - I believe we will see a consolidation of NoSQL in 2012

On the flip side, we might see a lot of "build your own NoSQL store" tutorials in 2012.

SenseiDB looks really impressive. We were actually thinking about the same problem when we built ThriftDB (http://www.thriftdb.com) for Octopart so it's especially interesting to see LinkedIn's implementation.

Looking through the documentation a couple of things come to mind:

* Does SenseiDB support nested data structures?

* What happens when you modify the schema? Can you add/delete/modify attributes?

re: nested data structure is in the roadmap, but no target date yet. There are 2 ways of implementing this: 1) pre-pend field name reflecting the nesting, much like elasticsearch 2) encoding payloads in the term list indicating nested nature.

1) is straightforward, but can be restrictive if you want to in-nest faceting.

We are still debating on the route to take.

As for schema changes, we should document that better: certain schema changes simply requires you bouncing the node, but if there are data integrity changes, you would need to reindex. We will work on more documentation on the specifics.

If I change the faceting does bouncing the nodes cause a re-index automatically or is it more involved?

bouncing node will start reindexing from the last committed version on the disk. If the index is up to date, no re-indexing will be triggered.

How many home-grown databases have linkedin developed in the past few years?

How many programming languages do you use? :-) Just like we use Python, Java, Scala, etc... where each is appropriate, we also use different databases where appropriate.

Each system serves a need. We also use off the shelf databases, where appropriate: it should be noted Sensei uses Lucene (a well known search library), Voldemort has a pluggable storage engine (where we mostly use BerkeleyDB and a custom read-only storage engine), and Espresso uses MySQL.

We don't build databases for reasons of NIH: we focus on building features (faceting, real-time indexing, partitioning, fail over, etc...) that enable us to build fast, usable, feature rich, scalable, and reliable applications. We readily use open source components in many places within both our infrastructure systems (search, various databases, Kafka) and in the applications, and contribute to existing open source projects.

A few... :) I think each has its own strengths and weaknesses and we use them in different projects with different requirements.

Options are great (and thanks for contributing to the OS community), but the biggest barrier to adoption will be confusion about all the NoSQL solutions floating around right now (including two others from LinkedIn). Therefore, I recommend that you spend more time on the homepage comparing Sensei with other NoSQL stores. Perhaps take a two-tier approach for those coming from Oracle or MySQL: why NoSQL, and if NoSQL, why Sensei NoSQL?

Looking at its config, I'm reminded of Cassandra 0.6, but then I see the ZooKeeper functionality. Interesting. Love the open-sourcing! I showed an example of how to distribute inter-mingled DBs using MQtt a bit ago, but never posted here: http://franklovecchio.tumblr.com/post/13051814890/mqdb-distr....

One thing is for sure -- NoSQL isn't so mysterious anymore :)

So to get data into this database, I have to have a Gateway implementation in Java?

Would I have to publish messages to Kafka in my language of choice to avoid writing any Java?

There is a Kafka gateway packaged with Sensei, see sensei-gateways module.

We love Kafka!

From a quick glance at the docs there's no database-side aggregations. Is that correct?

The facets let you support counting and group by - is there something else you had in mind?

Edit: You can get a pretty quick idea of what's supported the query language at http://senseidb.github.com/sensei/bql.html. Since Sensei was designed with document and text uses cases in mind, we have plans to support advanced queries where a relevance model is part of the query, allowing you to perform a custom sort on the server.

sum() and distinct() come to mind for sure, but I don't know how easy they'd be to implement. The particular use case I have in mind is where we have events streaming in and we usually don't care about the actual events, just various sums, counts and distinct counts over them grouped by various dimensions.

Database-side aggregation is something in the works. We are incorporating a patch as we speak. We find more and more in house projects using Sensei as a BI tool, we see this functionality more and more important, so stay tuned :)

Would you guys be interested in collaborating on that? At Mozilla, we've been using ElasticSearch in a few places as a NoSQL style BI tool. I read through the SenseiDB docs and can see many places it could be almost as good of a fit as ES, and with a little work, I bet it could be just the thing.


Can Sensei be used as a replacement to MySQL + lucene?

Yeah, it'd be nice to see a side-by-side against other common DBs like MySQL and Oracle.

there's a comparison vs Mysql here: http://senseidb.github.com/sensei/performance.html for insert and query performance

This is awesome.

Thanks for sharing this with the world. :)

Is it single-point-of-failure free?

Yes. It's a partitioned system - you just need to have enough replicas per partition. Clients track cluster state by registering listeners to zookeeper.

A truly amazing peace of technology

Nice looking wheel. I have a feeling it could be rounder though.

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