Yes, this is definitely something that was happening.
We recently added a question to the profile about "equity expectations" to try to solve this. I'm hopeful that will help, because then you can just not match with people who don't align with your expectations; would love any feedback on this.
It's a great feature, however I suspect that you may get too many "I'm flexible" entries relative to how flexible people actually are. In practice I'm probably flexible on equity expectations if a well known engineer/founder wanted to partner with me - or X MM had been secured for funding.
While it might be too much information for a profile, allowing individuals to indicate equity preferences for specific company valuations in their match preferences might guide both parties to the right deal.
We recently added a question to the profile about "equity expectations" to try to solve this. I'm hopeful that will help, because then you can just not match with people who don't align with your expectations; would love any feedback on this.