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A big reason Amtrak is so shit is due to private rail industry taking priority on our shitty track infrastructure.

It used to be any railroad that wanted to carry US Mail, so all of them, was required to hitch at least one passenger car onto their trains. The railroad executives insisted that this was so burdensome it would put them out of business so the law was changed. But before that change you could take a train to literally anywhere in the USA where freight trains go, which is basically everywhere including many small towns.

E.B. White wrote a marvelous essay on the subject called The Railroad.

Our rail infrastructure is abysmal. Nationalizing it is perhaps not the way to go, but a serious change needs to happen. Speaking as a former Ohioan who grew up in the Ohio river valley.

Name a country with good rail that hasn't nationalized it (hint, you can't).

Japan privatized their railway in the early 90s. It's really good. This is not an endorsement of privatization just a counterpoint to the argument of national vs privatized transport systems. What it means is leadership and management has to be truly held accountable.

Worth pointing out that a major part of why it works in Japan is that rail companies also own real estate around stations. High foot traffic allows them to charge high rent to stores.

This is also the business model for the private rail in Hong Kong, Singapore, and now Florida with Brightline.

The Brightline model is surprising because it shouldn't work. Miami and Orlando aren't well thought of for there public transit systems. Yet, this premium intercity train is expanding. I'm not convinced they are profitable as a train, but they own the property around downtown train stations which is really hot right now.

Japan is well known for its excellent rail system, which is almost entirely privately run.

For European countries your point stands.

If companies in the US and Europe had the same sense of social duty that companies in Japan do, this wouldn't be an issue in the first place, though.

japan maybe? I don't know all the details of their setup though. I know there are multiple lines managed by multiple different companies though.

lol at “publicly managed public infrastructure is literally the same thing as genocide!! Ceaușescu also built roads, MURDERER”

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