I can see where you are coming from but on the other hand I can also understand that others take a less rational approach to things like that. In my personal view of morality any form of protest is acceptable as long as it doesn't endanger human life. Certainly this activism is going to lead to a backslash but on the other hand I appreciate that it is today possible for people to retaliate against actions that had no trial and no due process.
Protest I understand. And while you & I know that some silly DoS of a few random sites is pretty harmless, the average person thinks of this as some evil hacker thing.
I absolutely support protesting. I just want people to protest in a more effective way. Remember: ex-RIAA lawyers got top Justice Department spots a few years back. This is just the other shoe dropping. This has probably been in the works for quite a while now. Maybe the timing was hastened or something for political reasons, but I doubt they started this investigation yesterday.