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This is a circular argument (or some sort of thing like that), but if you ever find yourself at a *nix command line prompt and need to edit a file, you can be certain that vim will be available. Basic familiarity with it can be helpful.

Personally, I used to write a ton of perl inside Vim as a student, but these days I'm in VS all the time, and only use Vim like I would use Notepad - when I want to do quick edits in a file that isn't worth the heavy handed-ness that is starting my IDE.

I'm like you - I spend more time thinking about my problems, and typing them isn't usually a hindrance. If I find that my typing/keyboard navigation speed is holding me back, it's a sign that I designed myself into a corner where I have to write a ton of boilerplate/repetitive code.

> but if you ever find yourself at a nix command line prompt and need to edit a file, you can be certain that vim will be available. Basic familiarity with it can be helpful.

True, but I've been getting by for the last 20 years with little more than 'i', 'x' and ':wq' (or ':q!') for changing system settings. The point of mastering vim as an efficient code editor is far beyond what you need to get your nix settings sorted.

If you're willing to spend $99, viemu is a wonderful vim emulator for Visual Studio.

For a little more you can get it for SSMS, too. What's really fun is highlighting stuff with visual mode and just hitting F5. Need to run a subquery? Get the cursor somewhere in there and vi( F5. And macros sure help with repetitive sql constructs.

What port of Vim do you use under Windows ?

At my work we get Vim for free with your dev enlistment. It's 7.3.46, and the version that works inside cmd.exe.

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