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And MDN is owned by Mozilla :-) Between the two of them, I think we've got ourselves covered.

It’s more than web.dev simply being owned by Google, at times the site feels like content marketing for Chrome and not just a resource to learn about web development. I’ve seen them post multiple articles about the latest Chrome-only updates, while I’ve never seen MDN promote content that only focuses on Firefox. Not to say MDN has never done that, but at least to me, web.dev has a definite Chrome bent that you wouldn’t expect from the way the site initially presents itself.

> I’ve never seen MDN promote content that only focuses on Firefox

They do, which I think is totally fine: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/Web...

Fair point but this is also directly labeled as stuff. Most of the Chrome-only stuff on web.dev barely tells you that. It is at most a footnote that this isn't available in most browsers and that the other browsers may actually be opposed to implementing the Chrome proposal.

100% is content marketing for chrome

Yes MDN is excellent

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