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97% of waste is industrial? That's pretty shocking to me. I wonder what part of this waste is from production of our cherished technological gadgets and computer equipment, replacing the gadgets of yester-year. Which are generally still working fine, but are replaced by something incrementally better...

I wonder what part of this waste is from production of our cherished technological gadgets and computer equipment, replacing the gadgets of yester-year

If we're talking about waste produced in the US? Probably not a ton. There is a lot of high-tech manufacturing in the US but it's generally industrial components (airplanes, solar cells) that companies keep around until they no longer work. There's not much in the way of consumer electronics manufactured in the US.

Now if you want to talk worldwide...

I mean worldwide. Excluding the waste caused by production (in China, Taiwan, etc) of things consumed in the western world would be a more than a bit hypocritical.

Or commercial in general. Offices, small businesses, etc.

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