> If you have multiple jobs that use (or could use) the same image, perhaps those jobs can be combined. It's definitely a tradeoff, and it depends on what you want from your pipeline. For example, normally you may have separate `build` and `test` jobs, but if they take, say (30s init + 5s work) + (30s init + 10s work), then combining them into a single job taking (30s init + 15 s work) _might_ be an acceptable trade-off. (These numbers are small enough that it probably isn't, but you get the idea.)
This is a good idea and something I will seriously consider
I'm already doing #2, but I'm glad to see others come to the same conclusion as me. :D
This is a good idea and something I will seriously consider
I'm already doing #2, but I'm glad to see others come to the same conclusion as me. :D