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1. From https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/6ffb29d24e05abbd9ffe3ea9..., click "Blame" on the header bar over the file contents.

2. Scroll down to the line and click on the commit in the left column.

3. Scroll down to the part of the commit that removed the line from its previous location, in activesupport/lib/active_support/test_case.rb.

4. Click the three-dots menu in that file's header bar and select "View file".

5. Click "History" in the header bar of the contributors, above the file contents.

6. I guessed here that it was introduced in commit 281f488 based on its message: "Use the method provided by minitest to make tests order dependent". Clicking through to it confirms that. There's also a comment here that identified the problem which led to, and provided context for, the change in 6ffb29d.

The OP is from minitest's documentation, so to find the introduction in minitest, it's basically the same process.

1. Go to https://github.com/minitest/minitest.

2. Search the repo for the method name. Even just "i_suck" will match the commit.

3. Select the oldest commit in the results. That's a4553e2.

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