DARPA was going to contribute money to the OpenBSD project (which also maintains OpenSSH) before Theo said some things critical of the Iraq war and they retracted it. I wonder how many people would have accused them of being CIA plants if they took the grant money. Regardless, there are many competing interests and bureaucracies in the US government and it's not a safe assumption that they are in cahoots with each other on encryption they can break on demand. It's usually a more complicated picture than just "the government". Some of this funding is likely with the well meaning intention and goal of strengthening the security and privacy of communication between Americans.
Also see the history of "window" (chaff) in World War II. R&D people for both the Allies and the Germans realised, as improvements of the new "radar" continued, that radar doesn't see a difference between an aeroplane and a suitably sized radio-reflecting object, say a strip of foil. So, if you chuck a bunch of these foil strips out of a plane, now the enemy radar is full of "planes" that don't really exist.
Both sides stalled deployment of this trivial yet effective countermeasure because they believed once they used it their opponents would immediately understand how it was done ("Gee, immediately after the German bombers did that trick which messed up our radar we found loads of metal strips in trees all over the area they attacked...") and so copy it - and both had "official" estimates made which said their opponents would surely benefit more than they would once it came into use.