If I were making a startup involving anything hardware/physical/analog material then yes in-person for sure, I'd let some work remotely but fly them in when needed. The in-person network+agency+build effects is too demoted, sometimes just you can't beat the effectivity and efficiency of being close to one another.
I don't have an answer for your 10 yrs outlook.
Having spent time in developing countries, for atleast a quarter of the year, recently I still have not found the consistency of agency comparable to what we have in the US. There's a lot of factors that play into that could be another thread in itself. I did meet and see a lot of American expats/educated/-background people who were largely magnets and hubs of innovation for some of these developing/lower COL areas. And I have and do applaud them for their tenacity and work but the network effects still end up fighting/resisting them locally. So to answer I think there will not be a bias towards remote workers in macro scale and I think could be bias towards remote workers being the hub of innovation in very specific niches, only one I can think of right now is vehicular and automotive design is but I could be bias.
I don't have an answer for your 10 yrs outlook.
Having spent time in developing countries, for atleast a quarter of the year, recently I still have not found the consistency of agency comparable to what we have in the US. There's a lot of factors that play into that could be another thread in itself. I did meet and see a lot of American expats/educated/-background people who were largely magnets and hubs of innovation for some of these developing/lower COL areas. And I have and do applaud them for their tenacity and work but the network effects still end up fighting/resisting them locally. So to answer I think there will not be a bias towards remote workers in macro scale and I think could be bias towards remote workers being the hub of innovation in very specific niches, only one I can think of right now is vehicular and automotive design is but I could be bias.
Keen to discuss more!