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> If you’re just made uncomfortable by sex that’s fine but you don’t have to turn that in to judgment of people who aren’t.

You accuse me of making assumptions and then make your own incorrect ones.

I find it annoying when people weave their personal non-technical agendas into technical discussions. I can anticipate your response now... there is no agenda. But go read the article and you will notice is not even specific to this one emoji.


Keep up the good work mr/ms downvoter, I've got a lot of points to burn and no shop to spend them in. Good to know I'm pissing off one person who is chronically offended by my skepticism.

> I find it annoying when people weave their personal non-technical agendas

This is the problem with people like yourself: just because someone makes a reference to something prevalent in their subculture in normal writing or conversation, you get all worked up and complain that they're trying to "push an agenda".

No, they're just speaking using their own subculture's jargon. I don't get why you seem to need to label it as something nefarious.

While I was aware of the sexual connotations of "top" and "bottom", I didn't know about this emoji's "alternate name" or its use here. It didn't detract from the article at all for me, and as a bonus, I learned something new about how people different from myself communicate sometimes.

About the only thing I can say in "agreement" is that sure, communicating in this manner can cause confusion and make such communication less clear. But the author probably doesn't particularly care about that, and has no obligation to do so.

> Keep up the good work mr/ms downvoter

It’s they/them downvoter actually.

But seriously, as far as I can tell it’s not possible to downvote people who have replied directly to me. It’s just other people downvoting you because what you’re saying is unpopular.

You’re certainly not pissing me off. That’s why I’m trying to calmly explain your errors. But it sounds like you’ve made up your mind and take disagreement as some kind of encouragement.

Yes, I know it's not you.

> But it sounds like you’ve made up your mind and take disagreement as some kind of encouragement.

I do find disagreement of silent onlookers with nothing to contribute irritating yes. Life is too short to fear controversial or unpopular ideas so I take it as encouragement. I'm happy to change my opinion in the face of compelling arguments, not thoughtless people.

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