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+1 appreciate the effort, but just get to the point thanks...

I liked the emacs config discussion.

Me too! Fixing Emacs + this whole `rls` strangeness was a yak whose shave I've been putting off for a while, and this just gave me quite a head start.

Plus, one of my biggest gripes with Emacs documentation that it is very hard to find good articles that are contemporary + shows the full configuration + comes from a perspective of a user using a tool, rather than a programmer building their environment from scratch.

Yes, I know, Emacs is one of the quintessential "environments built from scratch", and I engage in that too – sometimes to my detriment. But some days I just need to get python-mode / Poetry.el / eglot+Pyright to all play nice together and an article like this would go a long way.

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