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I've also been wondering if this isn't similar to the boiling frog idea, just on its head.

Practically speaking, I don't think I made huge, noticeable progress in my guitar skills over the last 4-5 days, at least I couldn't really point out anything that has been a huge jump. And in fact, many if not most weeks are like that. And focusing on this part tends to be a bad idea.

On the other hand, 4 months ago, after I got my guitar adjusted and fixed, I was just a mediocre bass player with some object with way too many, way too tiny, way too sharp strings. Just 1 or 2 weeks ago, something in my head suddenly went "Jo, this actually sounds like a slow and terrible version of the rythm section that song you're working on covering at the moment". And these are the more important insights to look at.

And sure, I'm also starting to realize how long the road might be to good, own original songs, but at the same time, the progress over some 2-3 years plus half a year on the guitar is a lot, looking at it over a longer time.

This is also something healthy we do at work every 6 - 12 months too. Stop wondering about the daily grind of incidents and service requests and smaller scale improvements for a moment and consider where we were a year ago.

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