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I think there’s a point where the opposite is true in your life too. Especially when you’ve past the “productivity is bullshit” phase. Parkinson’s law tends to be more true for people who want to be more efficient than productive.

What is the "productivity is bullshit phase"?

That productivity hacks are temporal at best and you can be plenty efficient by just focusing on one thing at a time. That you can get more done in a day than most people get done in a week or month this way. That productivity gurus are not the people to look for answers from, but rather yourself.

That overestimating your short term is limiting given people have wonder years through their personal development where they get more done in a single year than a decade. Etc. That people like the author might be doing too much and could benefit from doing less making them more efficient in both the short and long term.

I'm confused. Which paragraph is the incorrect take, and which the correct one?

There is no correct take because it changes with time over one's personal development.

If you're getting more done with the limited time you have each day, you are in the productivity camp.

If you're getting more done with less time each day, you are in the efficiency camp.

If you're getting the right things done with less time each day, you're in the effectiveness camp.

I am just pointing out that this author talks about all the stuff(productivity) they accomplished in a short period of time to then talk about overestimating their ability?

If anything they are underestimating it. Imagine what they could do if they did one thing fully(efficiency) and not a handful of things partially? That's the productivity trap in my opinion.

Take it one step further, if they knew the one thing they were doing is the right thing to be doing(i.e. YouTube), they would be especially effective.

It takes a lot of work to figure out the right thing to do, so you need to spend all those hours. If you don't then you just go into the stagnation phase of your life where you stop growing because you stop putting in efforts on things you aren't sure are needed.

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