No, around 6-7 Python developers including me, we've used it in two different projects. Also it's probably worth mentioning that I'm not author of that lib, my die-hard anti Java collegue created it by just reading about DI, consulting with other collegue that was using Spring more-or-less since high school and researching existing DI libraries.
I myself did some programming in Java before that, but it was mainly hobbist gamedev, later commercial Android and light Java backend work using Spring (that's where I've seen it used for first time) intermixed with around 7 years of professional Python backend programming in two different companies.
Now after 10 years I'm an Java engineer, I've had enough of using dynamic languages to write moderately complex web applications.
I still love using Python for REPL, small scripts or prototyping, and I think having things like mypy is great as it takes away much of the burden without being a huge obstacle in some situations where you really need to use duck typing. Also I'm thankful that it teached me early that the debugger is one of the developer's best friends and the best documentation is just reading the code.
Can I guess you were all Java developers?