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When people complain about prejudice against fat people, this is what they mean.

I fail to understand why someone's size would make their advice less credible, particularly on topics other than weight loss. If anything, being at higher risk would dispose them to take the virus more seriously.

After all, "trying to eat healthy" is rarely successful. The vast majority of dieters do not succeed in achieving long-term weight loss.

> particularly on topics other than weight loss.

Fat people have often tried a variety of weight loss techniques. Their advice is liable to be more pertinent than a skinny person who has trouble gaining weight.

More pertinent in regards to COVID?

I wasn't responding to you.

But sure, as a fat person who, as far as I know hasn't ever had COVID, I think my advice is pretty good.



"Carrying too many pounds is a solid signal of current or future health problems. But not for everyone. Some people who are overweight or obese mange to escape the usual hazards, at least temporarily. This weight subgroup has even earned its own moniker—metabolically healthy obesity."

"But some people who are overweight or obese manage to avoid these changes and, at least metabolically, look like individuals with healthy weights. “Obesity isn’t a homogeneous condition,” says Dr. Frank Hu, professor of nutrition and epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health. “It appears that it doesn’t affect everyone in the same ways.”"


And yet a minority of obese people had no problem with COVID.

To be consistent I hope you also don't accept health advice from seriously underweight people either.

So if it works for a person with a lot of bad habits you think it's a bad idea? Wouldn't something that works for a person with a lot of bad habits be even better?

Hypocrisy speaks less to the quality of someone's advice than it does to their willpower.

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