Your fault here, and it’s not really anything more than marketing taking its toll: is that you apply the gamble and stress that exists to small business as if it also exists to places like walmart.
Walmart has ZERO real human “neck stuck out” stress when you get to the top and have billions racked up.
Yet Walmart still dislikes it when employees discuss wage.
You don't get to be a big business without being a small business first.
I agree with you that it's in Walmart's interest to not want employees to discuss wage. If I was in their position I wouldn't want my employees talking about it either, even if I'm doing my best to be "fair". That's just because there's no such thing as "fair", especially at Walmart's scale.
And we have arrived at where I am with my opinion: that unless we al talk, some business will get to use “don't talk or else” as a spooky tool to enable more of the “less fair for some.”
I need to admit: I am a leftist, an iww member, and far too underfed in the last few days so my replies probably seem punchy.
I’m really just pissed that I have an opportunity for a cool tool at my shop but have to write the script in bash because if I wrote it in say Rust, it’d be just as cool but not supportable after I left. :p
Walmart has ZERO real human “neck stuck out” stress when you get to the top and have billions racked up.
Yet Walmart still dislikes it when employees discuss wage.