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I'm certain they're alluding to a family, or hell, even a couple, and likely including snacks in total cost.

I only saw a movie solo once, as I never got the appeal of the movie theater and only ever got dragged there by dates and friends.

My kids never cared for it, so the bullet was largely dodged.

All that said, using the word "only" as you did indicates a certain level of economic ignorance.

> All that said, using the word "only" as you did indicates a certain level of economic ignorance.

I wasn't using "only" to say it's cheap from some absolute perspective, just that it's way cheaper than was claimed. For example, if someone says an Airbus A320 costs about $500,000,000, it's not economically ignorant to respond that no, it "only" costs about $100,000,000.

Yeah, but you're wrong to say that it's cheaper than what I indicated. I took my kids to see Avatar in IMAX last weekend and the total bill was north of $100 including a few snacks.

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