> Too bad its first letter collides with Desktop, Downloads and Documents, all of which cannot be removed.
For a "clean" home directory I started to visible hide default folders I have no interest in:
chflags hidden ~/Music
Still available in the shell or in the Finder with the ⇧⌘. shortcut but out of the way in normal use. Return to normal with the flag nohidden. Although Documents and Desktop seem to be a special case because of the iCloud shenanigans. I seem to have hidden them in the past, but can’t unhide them. :/
so that in the unlikely event anyone sees my home directory, there is absolutely nothing interesting about it. "This looks like a clean install. Nothing to see here."
I’ve been doing this for years, it’s a nice touch!
Don’t forget to update the folder permissions to be like the others in your home directory. By default all users of your machine will have read access to the ~/Developer folder you create.
And while you’re at it, might as well pin that folder to the left side of Finder.