Ditto, you can get an analog Mitutoyo for not too much - I think my 530 series was about 40-50 bucks, +-0.05mm. It's nice because it never runs out of batteries, accuracy is fine for everything I need it for (plus it's traceable), and the slide action is very smooth. The warranty is a bit lousy, only up to 3 years.
The problem I have with actual verniers is not accuracy, my vernier is actually more accurate than the cheap plastic digital calipers I use most often. It is that digital calipers are much easier to read, especially in awkward positions.
The built-in metric/imperial/fraction conversion is also nice. I tried dial calipers that do this (they have two dials), but they are even harder to read. It's better to buy one imperial and one metric.
They (digital calipers) are also a lot more convenient in mixed-unit environments (e.g. PCB layout, which is why I purchased mine) than analog ones. Granted since I live in the US everything is mixed unit whether I like it or not. :)
At the same time, I soldered a tiny power switch into my cheap calipers to stop the battery drain issue.