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PocketPy: Lightweight(~5000 LOC) Python interpreter for game engines (github.com/blueloveth)
182 points by ingve on Feb 8, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 15 comments

We've (belatedly, alas) merged the threads - see https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=34702386.

Hey dang, what's the deal about what seems to be HN bias, where only threads about "approved" programming languages can be made, else the thread is censored or shadowbanned?

For instance, there are continual and constant threads about Python, Rust, Zig, etc... Where if a thread is made about V, it appears it can be shadowbanned and never allowed to go public. That's unless the title is oddly modified/mangled where it's not apparent, such as "V0.3.3", which I saw posted the other day.

Why the bias or favoritism for certain programming languages over others? Or is there an reasonable explanation?

That one is a special case which somehow got completely infested by flamewar drama for reasons that I haven't stuck my head into the beehive to observe.

It seems much more fair to specifically punish those pushing flamewars and trolling, than to punish or ban entire or newer programming languages. Those that are trolling often have post histories of such, are obvious competitors based on their own posted admission and affiliation, are repeatedly spamming the same websites, or even have user names indicating their purposes.

It comes off as very odd to have and allow for numerous Rust posts in a day (just using as an obvious example based on today's thread count), yet a thread (out of hundreds to thousands) about other or newer languages are shadowbanned.

Yes, that's the point. The issue is flamewar drama. No programming language is banned on HN.

That doesn't appear to be accurate, because threads about V get deleted or shadowbanned. Those instigating the flamewar drama against V, appear to go unpunished. And the same tactics seem to be repeatedly allowed, in nearly any V threads.

Detractors and competitors of V will call it vaporware (which is clearly untrue and plain outrageous at this point), call the language a scam or the creator a scammer (clearly untrue, defamatory, and inflammatory), repeatedly spam 2019 xeiaso blog posts, spam old posts to sites where well known detractors and competitors are allowed to gang troll, etc... These actions often go unimpeded and without moderation, where push back or defending against such inflammatory posts get punished and moderator actions.

So now, it appears we have a defacto ban against a programming language, for the occasional thread about it. While threads of competing languages are allowed at even the pace of several a day. If they have an issue, it's handled specifically, and not against the entire programming language. To post a thread about V, should be no different than to post one about Python, Go, Rust, or Zig.

How is this on the homepage twice with no comments and less than 10 votes?

I think it's part of the second-chance pool. If you look at the submission from OP, it was actually submitted 20 hours ago.

It’s much more interesting to me than more ChatGPT hype.

I agree, but my point is it was on the homepage twice simultaneously with less than ten upvotes on BOTH separate submissions and zero comments.

You can just check it here: https://news.ycombinator.com/pool

It is indeed coming up from the second chance pool.

Both postings were the same URL, posted by different users, each with less than ten upvotes and zero comments, on the homepage simultaneously within ~10 spots of each other.

I wasn’t being critical of the project (actually quite the opposite), more surprised at the situation. According to what it shows, one was posted 12hrs ago, the other was 10hrs ago, so why wasn’t the second submission two hours later by a different user handled appropriately? You’d think that they’d at least have logic to prevent the exact same url from showing up on two different submissions at the same time.

How does the "second-chance pool" work?

My guess is something about the works of HN algo, giving high weight to the posting account high karma points.

They explicitly deny this happens https://news.ycombinator.com/newsfaq.html

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