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Yes, especially dangerous for trans women, as they're targeted and murdered more often.

There is no increased risk of being a victim of violence for being transgender that is not fully accounted for by the increased risk of engaging in prostitution. It is just that transgender people tend to have higher rates of prostitution.

Simply not true, violence against transgender women is 1/4 where as cis women are 1/10. "Transgender people tend to have higher rates of prostitution" is baseless.


The data you cite does not say what you think it does. In fact, it makes the very mistake I was pointing out in my original post -- failing to control for rates of prostitution and other risky behavior and simply comparing rates of violence based on gender only.

Simply citing a study that makes no attempt to control for rates of prostitution does not disprove my argument. Repeating a myth does not make it true, even if you repeat it over and over again.

Now pull up the statistics for genuine women and see how they compare. You'll find it's much, much worse. But no-one pushing this transgender ideology gives a shit about actual female women do they, only the special ones with cocks and sob stories about how hard it is pretending to be a woman.

Deeply weird to make a throwaway account only to complain about trans women, you think?


Coward's way then?


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