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> I find it remarkable how often engineers just leap in and start coding, and worry about the foundations later. Or never. I suspect this is one reason why rewrites are so common. If you start with bad foundations, it's often easier to blow up the whole building and start again.

To be fair, leaping in and starting coding allows you to discover the problem better. The problems start where you get stuck with your initial design and don't adjust/remake it once you explored some ideas, maybe found some new along the way and found out what doesn't fit.

That is of course problematic if you have deadline driven development because rewriting last 2 weeks of code might seem like total waste even if then-better design gonna save you much more even in near feature.

Not rewriting code when design flaws appear will lead to rewriting it eventually later and more expensive.

Of course, all of that depends on how much you know about domain and the problem. Exploring existing solutions and their flaws or having really detailed requirements might be much better approach that doesn't require starting to write code.

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