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China proves that building cities worth of actual houses that nobody wants to live in is a thing.

We talking Dandong, city at the border of China and North Korea? They built everything including a giant bridge, high-rise apartments, shopping centers, parks, and a ferris wheel. But there's no people and it's been ~10 years now. It is, however, still fully maintained. [0]

[0] https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/974210.shtml

wikipedia says 2M people live there: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dandong

Yup. Literally first sentence of my citation "Dandong New City, a district of Dandong which was built from scratch to be a China-North Korean trade hub, now stands mostly empty." [0]

[0] https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/974210.shtml

A large number of those cities are filled, and various of them are 'tier 2' cities now. That means 10 million people.

A large number of them aren't and they're crumbling apart after only a couple of years being built.


A large number of them being filled and another large number of them YET not being filled still makes dozens of millions of cities coming to being out of nowhere and providing people with affordable, well-planned urban environments instead of using the demand to skyrocket the real estate prices at the cost of causing homelessness and suffering.

That's responsible, future-oriented development.

Wikipedia has only 7 Chinese cities listed with a population over 10 million

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