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Tip: don't share opinions/wild guesses as facts if you're not prepared to answer people who want clarifications. Also, don't engage if you can't have a constructive conversation with others. Why even comment if you're not looking for interactions with others in order to further your own understanding?

Don't provide me with passive aggressive "tips". I don't think any of the replies[1] are seeking clarification. OP is not experienced in love or relationships. The comment[2] may apply to the person who posted it but it's not the reality for most relationships. I thought that was important for OP to know. Also, see the bike cuck meme.

[1] "That’s a pretty jaded response", "this a overtly negative view of life itself", "How many of these relationships are you personally involved in such that you'd know that?"

[2] "I told her, If my wife asked me for a divorce because our marriage was negatively impacting her life, of course I'd say no problem, if she was to be more happy and fulfilled in that reality, I'd do it in a heartbeat, I love her! It would hurt, and I would be hurt, but ultimately I'd be fine because I trust and love myself, and eventually, even more happy if it meant she was happy. I love her because of who she is, and she loves me because of who I am, we both love ourselves and share love together."

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