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Interesting. Pretty much everyone can earn enough for a family here and everyone is entitled to parental leave. Besides that, we don’t consider it to be only men’s responsibility to earn, women can, do, and want to work as well.

So, money is not really a consideration in dating.

That makes sense. Here men have kept a lot of the traditional responsibilities they have had historically, it's just become a unspoken thing rather than something you say out loud. A relatively lengthy (but not all that uncommon in Europe, say 1 year) period of unemployment on the part of the man often leads to divorce, men feel a lot of pressure not only to provide but to provide what their wives see on Instagram and the like.

Come to think of it, I personally avoided a lot of this myself by not marrying a American. Not intentionally of course but that probably explains why I'm not as pressured as my peers.

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