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Harvard Misinformation Expert Joan Donovan Forced to Quit by Kennedy School Dean (thecrimson.com)
6 points by ilamont on Feb 2, 2023 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

Seems like the flavor of the day is out of style. All these fake advocacy groups being weaponized and exposed, better to get ahead of the game and shut it down before they put out more work products that will not hold up well in the post Trump era.

Just look at Hamilton 68. Most of these "disinformation" rackets are simply information warfare units, carrying out the bidding of one ideology.

> Tensions between Elmendorf and Donovan rose in fall 2021, according to three HKS staff members, around when Donovan started to work on HKS’ Facebook archive project, fbarchive.org

So just a normal stalinistic purge. Nothing to see here. Please move along /s

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